Task -1

Task -1 (ο υποψήφιος απαντά με δικά του λόγια στα παρακάτω)

What plans do you have for the future?
My plans for the future are to pass my exams/to study/ to find a job in my field.

Tell me about your experience of learning English.
Learning English has been a nice experience. First of all, I can communicate with people from all over the world and secondly, it has made my life easier as English is used not only in my job but also in daily life.

Do you think you will need to use English in the future? In what way?
I am sure I will need to use English in the near future as I live on an island where tourism industry is the main source of employment.

What do you hope to be doing in five years’ time?
In 5 years time I hope to have graduated from university/ to have a job.

What would make your town/village a better place to live? Do you imagine you will live there your whole life?
I think the government should invest in schools in order to create a better education system. I think I might live abroad for a while in order to get experience in a different working environment but I would return after a few years.

What sports or activities are you particularly interested in?
Why do you enjoy it so much?
I enjoy running/swimming not only because it keeps me fit but because it takes my mind off problems and calms me down.  

What skill do you need in order to play/do it?
I think the only skill needed is to be able to set goals and finding time to do it.

What is your best subject at school? What kind of subjects are you most suited to?
My favorite subject at school is geography because I like learning about the world , the climate, customs and traditions of other countries.

Is there a new skill or activity that you would like to learn in the future?
I would like to learn to dance because it seems to be a fun activity. Also it involves meeting new people and keeps you fit.