Task - 2

Task-2 (ο υποψήφιος επιλέγει ένα από τα παρακάτω)

1.  People who do not recycle household waste should be fined. Do you agree?
I think it’s a good idea as many people do not understand the meaning of recycling and to what extent the planet has been damaged. That way  there will be less pollution, less waste and fewer health problems.
2.  There are many benefits to owning a pet. Do you agree?
Owning a pet has many benefits, such as earning love, compassion and a true friend. On the other hand owning a pet applies to a responsible person as pets have their needs and rights.
3.  More regulations should be applied to advertisements in order to protect consumers, particularly children. Do you agree?
I agree. I think that advertisements can be misleading if the correct information isn’t shown. For instance candy or chocolate advertisements using well known children’s characters make the child want to buy unhealthy snacks because of the character they like.  These advertisements can often lead to child obesity and bad eating habits.
4.  Driverless vehicles will reduce accident rates. Do you agree?
I disagree because if a malfunction occurs and there is no human intervention to control it, an accident is more likely to happen.
5.  The use of mobile phones by staff and students should be banned in schools during school hours. Do you agree?
I agree as mobile phones distract people from what they are doing. In my opinion, they should only be used in cases of emergency.